Mid-term parents’ meetings
The first semester of the 2022/2023 school year has ended. In our Community Houses, mentors, parents and children evaluate the work of the first semester and agree on the programmes and development plans for the second semester at the parents’ meetings.
“The parents’ meeting of the Pécs 2 group took place on 1 March 2023 in the new Pécs community centre, where, after a long time, everyone had the opportunity to participate in person. Those who had not yet seen the new community centre were quickly shown around by the children. Everybody was very happy that our children will now be able to gain new experiences and develop their skills in such a nice, clean and innovative environment. Our mentor then presented the results and experiences of the first half of the year. Overall, the period was a success, as there are five scholarship children in the group, and the results are generally improving, which is very good news for further studies. Camps and events involving the group, information on language tests and applications were also given. Due to the wide range of interests of our children, they will continue to represent our group at almost all events in the future. Once again, we returned home knowing and feeling good that our mentor and the Foundation are doing their best for the children.” Zsuzsanna Szabó, parent, Pécs Group 2
“We attended our first parents’ meeting in the new Community Centre (3 March), which is beautiful, spacious and tailored to the needs of our children. Led by our mentor Andrea Bálint-Orsós, we had a friendly, informal discussion with the children. The basic principle was that we have to respect each other. Respect for each other is a prerequisite for a cohesive community. Community building, taking responsibility, immediate problem reporting are essential factors for the good functioning of the group! We started the meeting with an evaluation of the last semester. The group did very well. 3 out of 6 of our scholarship students finished the semester with excellent grades. The group average was 4.6. Andrea indicated that students who have a grade below a C+ are strongly advised to attend tutoring and support classes on Wednesdays; this will help them to catch up. Detailed information was given on the opportunities for applications and competition calls. The children have indicated their willingness to participate. We learned details of the Foundation’s most prestigious annual programme, the Guidance Festival, and all the camp opportunities for the summer were discussed in detail. We also discussed the dates for the second half of the year for the sessions at the Community Centre. For the Family Day gathering, our Mentor is looking for suggestions and dates from parents and will of course support all possibilities. Parents can also participate as partners in the Foundation’s activities. We discussed in detail the possibilities of social benefits and the conditions for applying for them. For many of us this is a great help. We rarely have the opportunity to get together like this, which is why the P3 group’s mid-term review meeting was very pleasant and friendly!” Gabriella Tóth, parent Pécs Group 3
On 09 March 2023, in the afternoon, a meeting of the parents of group 3 took place in Nagybajom. Overall, we can be satisfied with our work together over the past year, as we have 11 scholarship holders from the group. In the introduction, the parents were given a short assessment of the situation of their children: like how active they are in the community, and what were their achievements during the semester. Our students, led by Zalán Győző (University of Pécs) and Márton Gelencsér (Corvinus University of Budapest), came up with a timetable to help their younger peers week by week. After our goals of the previous year (Bird Friendly Garden, experiential painting), we have now set ourselves a slightly more ambitious goal (Birds and Trees competition, ThinkerCad exercise). We are preparing for the Guidance Festival and are looking forward to our summer camps.