February Dinner Event
“On February 15th, the first roundtable discussion of the year 2024 took place. The distinguished guest of the evening was Attila Csányi, the CEO of Bonafarm Zrt. Extremely interesting and exciting thoughts were shared. Attila told us about his first work experience, his university years, and provided satisfying answers to questions related to the Bonafarm group of companies. Additionally, we were curious about the more personal aspects of his life. He shared with us how he spends his free time and his thoughts on the future of his children. The evening passed in a good atmosphere, with everyone listening attentively. During dinner, there was an informal conversation, which is always a good opportunity for us to meet our fellow university students. We were honored to have Csányi Ádám, Leo Jacqueline Zsófia, Marosi Gábor, and Török András join us for dinner. We thank Csányi Attila for accepting our invitation and giving us the opportunity to get to know him better during the dinner event.” – Székelyi Fruzsina, Jászság 2nd group