Planting trees in Jászberény
On the 31st of March the Club Manager Association organised a tree planting from the occasion of 20th anniversary next to the Zagyva river’s promenade where we represented ourself.
The opening ceremony was hosted by Dr. Szabó Tamás, mayor of the city and Dr. Rédei István, president of the association. Afterward everyone has put a spade and we moved off on the bank of Zagyva. We planted trees both side of the city next to each other. The old and dead willows were repleaced by 60 new ones. It was a good feeling when we saw our newly planted saplings. We would like that let them grow tall and to gurarantee shadow for the stollers of the promenade. We hope that we inspired others by this movement as well.
Sós Bence Jászság 3., Varga Levente Jászság 1., Juhász Aba Nikolett and Székelyi Borbála Fruzsina Jászság 2.