Announcing the results

Announcing the results

The Csányi Foundation is happy to announce the winners of the competition called “Be a junior mentor III.”

If you have questions or need further information regarding camps, turn to the camp leader. Enjoy the summer camps and we are looking forward to your feedbacks, sharing your experiences.




DIY Cap at the Sarlóspuszta Country Hotel
Camp Leader:
Kovácsné Bodor Erika
Junior mentors
Bogdán Dóra Lilla, Pécs
Szőllősi Andrea, Pécs
Darázs Mátyás, Jászberény
Tóth Máté, Jászberény

Self-Development Camp in Veszprém
Camp Leader: Mikics Péter
Junior mentor
György-Dávid Valentin, Kaposvár

Foundation Induction at Sarlóspuszta Country Hotel

Camp Leader: Szabóné Lengyel Eszter
Junior mentors
Gálosi Patrik, Pécs
Andalics Enikő, Kaposvár
Szölösi Attila, Jászberény
Sós Bence Lajos, Jászberény
Rostás István, Jászberény

Local History Camp in Tokaj

Camp Leader: Biró Patrik
Junior mentors
Kovács Dániel, Pécs
Hajdú László, Nagybajom
Kovács Bonita, Nagybajom

History Camp in Erdély, Transylvania
Camp Leader: Nagy Ildikó
Junior mentor
Sós Nikolett, volunteer

English-German language Camp in Zsögödfürdő
Camp Leader: Hollósi – Simon Judit
Junior mentors
Király Kinga, Jászberény
Lévay Melitta, Jászberény
Bogdán Csaba, volunteer Kaposvár
