Parents’ Forum held in Szentes
Our next Parents’ Forum meeting was held in Szentes on November 28, 2023. Among the agenda items, Boróka Eszter Süle, the Children Parliament representative of Szentes Group 2, first reported on the discussions from the annual Advocacy Forum held in Mohács in October. The Foundation’s Cohabitation Regulations, House Rules renewal, and updates to the Support and Scholarship Regulations were discussed. Motivation is also a consistently relevant topic, fluctuating among young people, and we heard the opinions of those present at the meeting on how to maintain it. In the further part of the meeting, we discussed the continuation of education, the important decisions our group members are facing, and how parents and mentors can help and support. The question arose whether they can make good decisions, whether they are heading in the right direction with their choices of high schools or gymnasiums, and whether they will be able to apply their knowledge effectively. We sought answers to these questions and the young people shared their thoughts, hoping to make good decisions regarding their career choices.” – Szilvia Gulyás, Parent, Szentes Group 2