Parents’ Forum in Jászberény

Parents’ Forum in Jászberény

The spring session of the Parents’ Forum at the Jászberény Community House took place on Thursday afternoon. The exciting events of the year included the high school entrance exams for 8th graders and the advanced matriculation exams for 11th graders. The projects continued this year with the children working in mixed groups. Our “Lego team” achieved outstanding results at the First Lego League competition, earning the opportunity to participate in the world championship in Australia this summer. Among the parents attending the forum, many of us are involved in this project, so this topic received greater emphasis. We discussed the opportunities and programs available for the children. The recent period has also been eventful, with our children participating in the Guidance Festival and language and treasure hunt competitions, which rewarded them with trips abroad and within the country. This summer, numerous camps await the children once again.

Orsolya Róna Kovácsné, parent of group J4