First Aid Course in Szeged

First Aid Course in Szeged

A busy day in Szeged

Group 3 in Szeged had its first aid course on 10th May within ‘Léghajó’ Programme. The trainer for the day was Sedlák Gabriella who taught the children how to deal with emergency situations. She introduced the theoretical parts as interesting and exciting as the second half of the day, the practice itself with dummies. Ms Gabriella talked us about addiction and about the importance of first aid. After lunch, which we consumed in the Community House this time, we practiced the already learnt things on dummy dolls. We also could try the defibrillator and practiced to remove foreign objects from the wind pipes.
We had a really nice day thanks to Ms Gabriella whose lecture was really useful.
The day didn’t end here. After a short football break we started practicing for the Walk of Life day. One of our group mates mother, Ms Erika, helped us to choose the music, put the choreography together and she also helped to choose the settings and costumes for the show. After the busy day we were happy to have a cooling ice-cream.