Presentation about AI
“An online presentation on Artificial Intelligence was given by Ágoston Kemenesi, from the Mobilis Interactive Experience Centre in Győr. Nowadays, we hear about this topic in many places, whether it is about career choices or everyday life, as Artificial Intelligence, AI for short, is everywhere.
This is why August started his presentation by showing how many places AI is actually present. We learned that not only the recently famous ChatGPT uses artificial intelligence for its operation, but also facial recognition systems and Google Translator. It is important to note, however, that these are all partial AI, as they could only be complete if they could replace a human in every way. In addition to all this, we could also observe how AI learns and evolves on its own and how important the information we provide is. Augusto showed us this through various interactive exercises and it is no exaggeration to say that we were impressed, especially when we heard information about artificial neural networks that was almost incomprehensible to us. What’s more, we also got to see how this technology is portrayed in pop culture and what it really looks like. It was astonishing to see and hear how the media try to portray artificial intelligence with sometimes surreal images and scenes.
That is why this presentation was useful and interesting, as we were not only able to learn about the functioning and use of AI, but also to freely discuss ethical issues surrounding the topic and to look at this technology from a more realistic lens in the future.” András Mihály Oláh, Gyula Pege Jászság Group 3