Csányi Foundation chess competition online
“On 23rd March, the online Csányi Foundation chess competition has started because of the pandemic. We had a meeting before the matches, where the mentors and the organizer students have described the rules and the functions of the online platform. Everybody tried their best and we played fine games. I won 3 matches out of 8, but I have an improving tendency. It was so great to have a program with other members from the Foundation.“
Péter Tálas, Jászság 2 group
“The Csányi Foundation has started its chess competition on chess.com online. In the first round we have played 8 matches and the group standing has a temporary order now. The next two rounds will finalise the ending. I enjoyed the games, but it was exhausting! I am looking forward to the next round!”
Viktória Füle, Jászság 2 group
“On Thuesday the chess competition has started with 3 game days online. All matches last 6 minutes + 5 seconds bonus for each step. We had interesting games with many twists with great fights. There are two more days coming. I am waiting for the next round!
Gellért Karácsonyi, Jászság 2 group
Group results: https://www.chess.com/tournament/live/i-csnyis-sakkbajnoksg-2021-2179737