Mónika Kormányos

“Being a ‘Csányi kid’ meant to me… As a child, it meant learning, duty, new knowledge, new people, a community, a whole different world. Later, it meant my best friends at the time, wonderful experiences, music, and my further education. Now, as an adult, as a mother, it means wonderful memories, wonderful people whom I always remember with a warm heart and a smile. I received a lot during the time spent there, and I’m not talking about the baseball caps, pens, or T-shirts (although we received a lot of those), but about the countless experiences, knowledge, and friends who and which made me who I am today. These memories will always be with me, and I gladly think back to them, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, smiling. I will always be grateful for these memories, and I want to express my heartfelt thanks, perhaps for the last time (in writing). This is what being a ‘Csányi kid’ meant to me.” – Mónika Kormányos