dr. János Kiss

“Since 2007, I have been a member of the Csányi Foundation and the Pécs Community House. I say ‘present tense’ because one does not cease to be a member of this community just because they have completed their studies. Over the past 16 years, I have received a lot from this Foundation, from this community. I have a law degree, an advanced language exam, an ECDL exam, and international experience, but it’s not just about studying and achieving results… For example, they stood by me when I became completely orphaned. I gained incredible experiences, wonderful friendships. I was mentored, received help with my studies in the form of various developmental classes, foreign language camps, and tuition support. They cared for me with a good heart, and I experienced the feeling of truly belonging to a great community. I have enriched my life with experiences and memories that I will never forget, and for which I am and will be eternally grateful throughout my entire life.” – dr. János Imre Kiss