Patrik Jávorka

Jávorka Patrik

When I joined the Foundation, I was very happy because I knew I would receive opportunities that the school could not provide. It added many extra experiences to my school years, including numerous camps both inside and outside the country, extracurricular lessons at the community house, and language projects. Throughout these, I made many friends and developed my knowledge to a higher level, especially my English language skills, which led to me obtaining an intermediate-level language certificate. Additionally, due to my outstanding performance, I had the chance to travel to England several times, something I couldn’t have done due to our disadvantaged financial situation. I am grateful to the Foundation for these opportunities, as I still use the language today, and I remain in contact with some friends I made through the Foundation. Special thanks to my mentors and teachers, who were always there to support me in my everyday life, helping me to become a mentally and emotionally healthy adult.