Together the newbies from Szentes and from Jászság
30.07.:This day the youngest jászok arrived to the Community house of Szentes. The szentesi and jászsági newbies met each other for the first time. After tHeir first common cultural program they took their first Csányis shirt. After these came the inevitable Csányis oath. In this ennobling moments the operative director of the foundation, Dr Miklós Radoszláv and the professional rapporteur of the foundation, Piroska Szabóné André were with us also. The newbies will take part in further common programs.
Evelin Vas (Szeged 1) and Anna Horváth (Jászság 1)
01.08.: On this day we visited the Zoo of Szeged. We saw a lot of interesting animals and we heard a presentation about the monkeys and elephants. In the heat of course the ice cram was not dispensable either. The children had the opportunity during the long walk to get to know each other and the volunteers, too. The new members of the Foundation enjoyed this programme so much, despite they got really tired.
Perjési Dorina (Szeged 1) és Madarasi Tétény (Jászság 2)
“We completed the court with different difficulty barriers. The most exciting was the cableway. We said goodbye to the children from the Jászság at the afternoon. We hope will come across soon again, because a lot of friendship had made on this week.” -Krisztina Horvát (Szentes 2.)
“There was a little labyrinth too where I got lost four times!” -Lara Krisztina Pintér (Szentes 1.)