Health camp in Mohács
We got up this morning being excited, because our health camp has started today (20 June)
We were sad to see that our old, very much loved van has disappeared, and Gergő bácsi came to fetch us with a brand new one, but we were happy to realize that the new one is much more comfortable. Thank you a lot, we are going to take good care of it!
We had some crafts time in the morning, we were decorating pebbles with the help of Annamária néni. After lunch we had an ice cream. In the afternoon we could listen to a very good lecture on skin care. Sik Maja and Rácz-Vekerdi Janka, Mohács 2
On the first day of our Health Camp we greeted together our new team member, Benczenleitner Szebásztián. We introduced ourselves, and he managed to memorize all the names of his new mates. Later on we filled out a sociometric questionary. After lunch Móricz Dia gave us advice on cosmetic and dermatological issues. Balog Teréz, Mohács 1.
On the second day of our health camp we took turns in 3 groups in 3 different spots. The first group went to the library, where we were treated with tasty elderflower drink and fruit. First the librarian lady showed us an interesting Japanese way of telling stories, then we looked around in the library, saw many interesting books and magazines. In the end we got to know some good books about health and healthy lifestyle.
Then, we joined a cruise, which we won at the singing competition. It was a fantastic experience, we even sent a bottle post, and examined the wildlife of the riverside through our googles, while the captain was sharing about the Danube.
Our third spot was the playground and the sports court next to our community house. We played badminton and football. It was a super day and we are looking forward to tomorrow. We thank for this great experience! Szép Hanna, Mohács 1, Sik Maja, Mohács 2.
The third day of our health camp has arrived: We went cycling and canoeing. We took the water at Béda-Karapancsa, there is a fork of the river Danube. Everybody got an oar and a life west, and they taught us how to manoeuver the canoe. The distance between Mohács and this place is 13 kilometers, we went there by bike. The weather was gracious to us and although all of us got very tired , we enjoyed it, and are thankful for this day. Gura Krisztina Mohács1.
We spent the forth day of our health camp at the swimming pool and spa. Laci bácsi led us in warming up, and he directed the competitions. He even took the mentors in. There were some ball games and we played water polo. Later on we had to swim lengthwise the pool several times, and then we were free to enjoy the spa. We played a lot in the sunshine, played volleyball, used the chutes, we had a great day! Beke Panna Mohács1., Mezei Adél Mohács2.
The last day of our health camp has arrived. Today we listened to two lectures, given by Bogdán Petra psychologist and Erika néni. The girls and the boys were separated. One of the themes was the progress of becoming an adult, and the accompany of the teen age, the other one was the correct way of using the internet, the mobiles and computers. We were given a lot of useful information. We had some time to go to the playground before lunch, and after lunch we were suprised by our mentors with some ice cream. We enjoyed every minute of our camp, and are sorry that the end came so quickly, but we are looking forward to our next event: the camp in Tokaj! Sik Maja Írisz, Mohács 2.
The last day of the camp
After listening to the presentation of Ms Petra and Ms Erika the boys and girls worked in two separate groups. We were discussing the topic of how to become a grown up, what are the pitfalls of being a teenager, how to keep in balance the usage of mobile phones and PCs. After working hard we went to the playground and were surprised by an ice cream which was really refreshing. Every minute was so lovely in this camp, I feel sorry to say goodbye and hope to have such great time with the group next summer.
Sik Maja Írisz, Mohács 2