Health camp in Mohács

Health camp in Mohács

“On July 22, the members and assistant mentors of Mohács 1 Group gathered again to kick off the local camp focused on health preservation, which will last for a week. The mornings will be spent on topics serving this purpose. Under the guidance of assistant mentors, the children will work in smaller groups to solve assigned tasks and then presen their solutions to the others. Topics will include harmful addictions, healthy eating, the harmful effects of the internet on young people, and the proper use of social media. Besides learning about important topics, we will also place great emphasis on physical activity. In the afternoons, under the leadership of junior mentors, there will be opportunities for FIFA, foosball, and table tennis tournaments. Football, of course, will not be missing among the activities. Additionally, there will be opportunities for crafting. Twice during the week, we will also visit the Mohács swimming pool.” Krisztina Gura, László Szabó, Balázs Huber, Marcell Lichtenberger, Mohács 1 Group