ECDL examination in Szeged
Students from the Community House of Szeged could challenge their IT knowledge for the first time on the ECDL examination on 16 February 2013.
One of the seven modules required for the European Computer Driving Licence covers the full-in-depth knowledge of Operational Systems. The well-prepared students were waiting excitedly for their examination which took place in the affiliated ECDL examination centre in Eötvös József Grammar School of Szeged. I was informed by Géza Turai IT-teacher that all 27 students passed the examination successfully. Attila Koza from Group 2, Brúnó Faragó, Marcell Sebők and Márk Somogyi from Group 1 had maximum points in the exam. Congratulations for all the students and Géza Turai receives our acknowledgement for his thorough work.
Piroska André mentor