We Attended the Student Project Competition

We Attended the Student Project Competition

Today we visited Budapest to participate once again in the High School Project Competition, organized for the second time as part of the Student Project. This year, not only did a team from Jászság Group 3 compete, but members from Groups 1 and 4 also presented their projects. The event was held at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of Eötvös Loránd University.

During our free time, we had our final rehearsals to ensure that our final presentation could convey all the work we had done during the project. This year, Jászság Group 3 presented the project called “Csodafa” (Magic Tree). The project, which combines creative art activities with volunteer work, has been ongoing since autumn 2023. Together with the younger members of the Foundation from Jászság, we created various felt objects to surprise the residents of the St. Francis Elderly Home on several occasions. During the project, the high school students shared their felting knowledge and helped the younger ones in creating. The youngest ones delighted the home’s residents with wonderful performances, which made the elderly very happy.

The jury was greatly surprised by our presentation. The feedback was very positive, and they were pleased to see young people engaged in such activities. It was mentioned that such actions are rare today, as we represented an age group that tends to focus more on their peers and themselves rather than on the younger or older generations. We are delighted that the jury spoke so highly of us and that we had the opportunity to showcase what the Csányi students are capable of, receiving praise in the process. Team members: Orsolya Varga, Noémi Kiss, Kristóf Kaszab, Tilda Tamasi, mentor: Ildikó Nagy, volunteer: Katalin Paksi Fülöpné.

The second project was the VUK, where three members of the Jász-Stones team represented the group. The innovation prepared for this year’s First LEGO League Challenge was also showcased here. Team members: Maja Sas, Márk Máté Kaptás, Zsolt Kovács, mentor: Ildikó Nagy.

VUK, which stands for Universal Communication for the Blind (hun: Vakok Univerzális Kommunikációja), is a program created for the visually impaired to facilitate the appreciation of visual art. The team carries a very positive message, believing that art is for everyone! During the presentation, the jury also had the opportunity to test the program. The team received positive feedback here as well, with some suggesting that VUK could be beneficial not only for the visually impaired. The results announcement revealed that the project convinced the jury, as the team secured second place in the competition.

Maja Sas, from Jászság Group 4, also represented Lehel Vezér High School with Hanna Hábencius. They achieved third place with their project promoting the city of Jászberény: the Kürtkereső tour application.

After the competition, a well-deserved surprise awaited us. We visited the House of Hungarian Music, where we marveled at the musical exhibition titled Divas & Icons. The exhibition provides insight into the stories of influential divas, from the greats of the opera world and silent film stars to cinema celebrities and contemporary global stars. We viewed numerous performance outfits and costumes of singers and notable figures, learning many new interesting facts along the way. It was a great experience to explore here, as we encountered fascinating outfits and saw displays featuring performers we enjoy listening to.


We are very grateful to our mentor for their encouragement and assistance, without which none of the projects would have come to fruition. We also owe thanks to the Foundation for providing the opportunity to realize our projects, as none of what we achieved would have been possible without their support. We also thank our volunteers for their selfless help! Tilda Tamasi, Jászság Group 3

Congratulations to the teams!