The End-of-Term Language Exams Begin
Our first stop was at the community house in Szeged.
On April 9th we began the end-of-term English language oral exams. Children here (aged between thirteen and fifteen) began receiving English lessons supplementary to their regular schooling around three years ago. The Foundation places emphasis on oral communication and these exams provide the children with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to communicate in everyday situations using the English that they have acquired. The best performers will be sent to the UK in the summer to experience how their learning can allow them to interact with people native to England. It is expected that most of those in Szeged will be in a strong position to achieve a B1 language certificate during the forthcoming year. Today also provided me with the opportunity to work alongside Szeged’s new mentor – Zoltan
Martincsek. I wish him every success with his future at the Foundation.
David Holmes, volunteer