Family day in Mátra
We were so excited, because this was the first family day, when the three groups went for a trip together 23rd October).
Despite the rainy weather, after a pleasurable bus journey the group was very glad to go hiking in Mátrafüred. Then we admired the extraordinary, really special exhibition of the Mátra Museum in Gyöngyös. In a typical Hungarian restaurant we had a delicious lunch. Hereby we want to say thank you to the Foundation for the memorable and happy day, that we spent together with our children and their mentors.
Jászság 3. Kispál Kovács Anna, Tóthné Varga Olga, parents.
Although the morning was rainy and cold we eagerly awaited the bus. The usual friendly atmosphere was soon developed. As on each trip, we had fun. We were afraid of the mountain trip because of the bad weather, but the fresh air quickly liberated everyone. We chose a shorter trip route however we were plesantly tired when we arrived at the Museum of Matra. The huge mammoth skeleton amazed everyone, and with excitement we walked through the exhibition halls. The reptiles particularly impressed everyone. After exploring the museum, a good goulash and strudel made us happy. After lunch, pleasantly tired we started our journey back home. The trip was a great experience. I’m glad, I had the opportunity to go.
Sós Nikolett, volunteer