Family Day in Mohács
“On the last weekend of September, the families of Mohács 1 got together for our first family day of the year. Despite the gloomy, rainy weather we spent a great day together. After the children and their families arrived, everyone started talking with each other, since the whole group had not been together like this for a long time. In the morning the university students of the group held team-building games for both the children and their parents. While they were playing, some parents prepared a delicious lunch. The stations included logical, memory, and playful tasks, such as lip reading while listening to music, storytelling, and literacy quizzes. Both the parents and children had a great time and laughed a lot. After the games, everyone enjoyed the lunch prepared and the delicious homemade cakes. After lunch the mentors also had a small challenge, they had to listen to a story and tell each other what they remembered from the original. Later we announced the results of the games, and everyone got a small present for participating. At the end of the day, we had a hard time saying goodbye, because we rarely have the opportunity to spend time together like this. This is why these occasions are valuable; they help bring our group closer together.” Teréz Balog, Mohács 1 group