Family Day in a Wonderful Location

Family Day in a Wonderful Location

On September 21, Saturday, the Nagybajom Community House’s 1 and 3 groups held their back-to-school family day. The event took place in a beautiful setting at the Nagypince Borhotel Wine & Spa estate. Around 9 a.m., we all arrived at the venue, where the atmosphere was already fantastic. After a brief opening ceremony, we divided the enthusiastic young participants, along with their parents and siblings, into groups of 5-6, and the exciting competition began.

During this time, the volunteer parents were busy making lángos (a type of deep-fried flatbread), which everyone could enjoy throughout the morning. The teams actively tackled the various tasks awaiting them at the stations. The competition was very close, and during the results announcement, everyone received a gift. Meanwhile, the goulash, also prepared by the parents, was ready, and lunch was filled with good conversations and a great atmosphere. The weather was also on our side, allowing us to wrap up a delightful day.

I would like to extend special thanks to Zoltán Beck, the hotel owner, for providing the venue and for the informative tour, as well as to the parents for the delicious meals.

— Nadin Kuckó, Nagybajom 1 group