Selection of students minute by minute in Kaposvár
The selection of students has just started in Kaposvár
20th March 2015, the first day of the selection
8.00 a.m. We are waiting for the candidates in the community house of Kaposvár. All of us are excited, and we wish good luck for the children. We are informing you continuously about the daily events.
9.00. Dr. Miklós Radoszáv, the leader of the Foundation had a brief speech to welcome students and parents then the students started to write the reading test while two of our senior students had presentations concerning the work of the Foundation, our goals and everyday life.
10.15. Students started to work on their maths papers while Angéla Sárközi, the mentor of the selected students, is holding a drama lessson for parents in order to introduce the practical work done day by day in the Foundation.
11.15 After a short brake the day continued with a drama lesson. Every children was so excited about what will happen.
13.30 The oral interviews have just started where all the children show their portfolio. They talk the committee one by one, while the others are playing and talking with the elder students.
17.15 With the oral interviews the first day of the selection of Csányi Alapítvány in Kaposvár finished. Tomorrow we will continue with 15 other candidates.
21st March 2015, the second day of the selection in Kaposvár
9.00 The candidades have arrived at 9 o’clock. After a short greeting the higher-graders and Dr. Radoszáv Miklós Chief Operating Officer are demonstrating our Foundation to the parents. Meanwhile the children have started to write the reading test.
At quarter past 10, the day continues with writing mathematics-logics tests. Meanwhile the parents are listening Debreceni Áron’s performance as a couple of songs and then they take part in a drama lesson where they can experience the work of the foundation.
At half past 11 the drama lesson has been started for the kids. They are going to have very funny and exciting tasks.
13.00 The second day of the selection in Kaposvár continues with the oral interviews.
16:00 This was the end of the second day, we hope everyone returs with great experiences.
22nd March, The third day of the selection in Kaposvár.
At 9 o’clock fifteen new candidates have arrived for our last day of the selection. After the greeting the children have started to write the reading tests. The parents are listening to Dr Radoszáv Miklós, Chief Operating Officer to getting know the foundation and its programs.
At quarter past ten the children are writing the mathematics tests. Their parents are taking part in a drama lesson.
At quarter to twelve, the children are taking part in a drama lesson with the leading of Sasa.
13.00 We reached the last part of our day, where the children introduce themselves and their results in a presentation and an interview.