Students’ selection in Nagybajom minute by minute
25 March 2017, The first day of the selection.8:30 The Community Centre of Nagybajom warmly welcomes the first participants. Registration has started.
9:00-10:00 dr. Miklós Radoszáv, operative director of the Foundation has greeted the students and their parents, then Peter Horváth, a university student introduced the fellow collagues and the other students taking part. After the introduction the participants went to take part in writing a test, in the meantime, one of the college students of the Foundation, Veronika Kovács, and the operative director introduced life at the Foundation and explained how things work here.
10:15 The students will take part in doing some fun exercises during the drama class, we hope they will leave the class with great experiences.
11:15 The students will take part in doing some fun exercises during the drama class, we hope they will leave the class with great experiences.
13:00 After the delicious lunch, time has come to announce the results of mathematics tests written by the parents. Soon, the personal interviews will start where the children can introduce themselves, their sport achievements and their personal talents.
16:30 The first day of the selection is over. Thank you for everyone for participating, and we look forward to meeting the rest of the participants tomorrow.
26th March 2017, second day of Students’ Selection in Nagybajom
8:30 The Community Centre of Nagybajom warmly welcomes the participants and their families. Registration has started.
9:00 After the registration Kovács Veronika high school student then d Radoszáv Miklós chief operational officer introduced the Foundation to the parents. Meanwhile, the children started to write the mathematics and logic tests.
10:30 After having elevenses the children started the reading comprehension test. During the tests the parents had drama lesson with the colleagues from Pécs and Kaposvár.
11:30 Drama class is starting for the children right now.
13:30 Obviously, the results of the parents’ mathematics tests were announced. After having a delicious lunch, interviewing the applicants and looking through their portfolios has started.
16:30 The selection process of Nagybajom ended. We hope that the children return home with nice memories of the day.