Selection Process in Mohács minute by minute
Talent Selection Process in Mohács has begun on the 9th of April.
The first day of the Selection Process in Mohács
8:30 The youth centre of Mohács welcomes the first candidates. Everyone is very exicted and we wish a lot of succes to the children. You can follow our news on the website.
8:45-9:00 a.m. The mentor of the Community House of Mohács, Kovácsné Bodor Erika and the Operational Director of the Foundation, dr Radoszáv Miklós welcomed the parents and children on the first day of talent selction process. After introducing the colleagues the children started to write the reading comprehension test. During the test, Járay Bianka, a member of the Children’s Parliament and dr Radoszáv Miklós introduced the Foundation to the parents.
10:15 am After the delicious snacks, the children started to write their reading comprehension tests while the parents were attending drama.
11:00 am The parents faced with a serious challenge. They made groups and tested their knowledge from mathemathics. Who will earn better results, the children or parents? It will reveal soon the members of „Lovak” „Mókus Őrs” „Bagoly” “Csányis csajok” or “Lepkék” going to win this exciting challenge!
11:15 am The children’s drama has been started. We are very glad because we can announce every parents completed the test succesfully.
13:00 After the lunch which was rich in food, the interviews and portfolio presentations has started.
16:00 The first day of the selection process came to the end. Next day new candidates will be arriving and we countinue.
The 10th of April 2016, The second day of the selection process
8:15 Like yesterday, the new candidates has arrived to Mohács. Now, the collegaues greeting the children. We are very excited, have a succes!
8:45 The second day of the Selection Process in Mohács has been started while the sun is shining. We welcomed the promising talents and their parents. Afterward dr. Radoszáv Miklós made a presentation about the everydays of Foundation. Szabó Gábor told his experiences, and talked about what does mean the „lifestyle of Csányis’s members”
9:15 The challenge countinues with reading comphrehension test. Meanwhile the parents are participating in drama which is going on with the leadership of Ágoston Attila. At the end of the game, the parents can get a hint what type of tasks do their children write from mathematic.
10:00 Hopefully the children did pretty well on the test-writing. After the elvens break the drama has started. The parents told each other about their cheerfully gained experiences. The members of “SKACOK”, “Némák and Rafináltak”, “Birodalmi Lépegetők”, “Mókus-Őrs 2” did an excellent teamwork.
12:00 The last program in the morning was the drama for children. We hope that everyone spent a nice time there, and we closed the morning with a delicious lunch. The participants of the Talent Selection Process take part in interviews. During this time it is a great opportunity for those who visited us to get to know each other better and talk a bit. The students of group 2 try to make more interesting the day while the participants have to wait.
13:00 The interviews have started. The children arrived prepared and they brought lovely portfolios.
15:30 Hereby the Csányi Foundation’s selection process is ended in 2016. We would like to say thanks to everyone who graced us with their presence.