Tree of Graduates

Tree of Graduates

In Szentes, it has been a tradition for years that on Earth Day, the city gifts saplings to the graduating classes of schools. Time flies at our community house too… It feels like it was just yesterday when we saw the excited eyes of fourth graders during their first selection, and now, from September, our supported students will be high schoolers: Thus, this year, the Szentes municipality also invited us to the ceremonial handing over of the ornamental trees, after which the only thing left to do was the planting. The received ornamental hawthorn tree found a beautiful new home in our front garden. Just like the other trees we previously planted, it will surely repay the children’s care, and at the latest, four years from now, our grove will be enriched with a new sapling, planted by the groups preparing for university by then…

– Sándor Kovács, Mentor of Szentes Group 1, and Márta Őzéné Törőcsik, Mentor of Szentes Group 2