Our first ECDL exam
In December 2020, the cloud-based, artificial intelligence-supported ECDL automatic examination software called Sophia was introduced in Hungary as well. From February 1, 2021, those who want to take the exam from the ECDL basic modules can only test their knowledge in an automatic exam. The automated exam involves solving computer-generated randomly generated exam task sets, multiple-choice tests, and practical tasks.
The ECDL examination system now fits in with the “lifelong learning” model. The regulations, which come into force on February 1, 2021, do not limit the time of registration, the candidate can take exams for the rest of his life without a time limit. This can be significant in the sense that new ECDL exam modules are added to the system together with the technical innovations, so the individual can measure his knowledge at any time during his studies or career.
“At the Mihály Munkácsy High School in Kaposvár, our group was the first to start completing the modules with this new examination system. The kids were prepared a lot for this first word processing module, they were very excited to see what such an exam would look like.” Marianna Halász, mentor, K4
“I was very excited. I was a little scared because it was a new thing for me. However, I experienced this as a great experience, I also gained experience in such a field.” Eszter Bodor, K4
“The tasks weren’t what we envisioned, so it was a lot harder and more complicated. Overall, it went well, I hope we will do the other modules with similar success.” Sarolta Kovács-Nagy, K4
“I was very excited. When we started, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to finish, but in the end I succeeded. I was very happy with my result!” Eszter Kovács, K4