Author:Kovács Sándor

Our castle

On the last handicraft profession of the Safety project we learned about the castles. What the children were learned on...

Wonder from the egg

When we came back from the Summer Féte with full experiences, on the first days everybody told the good stories...

Family Day in Szentes

"We were able to meet with each other in the wonderful autumn on the Family Day.  Our mentors were surprising...

Dexterity in mind

When the children completed the mathematic level survey it became clear that the main problem is the changing the units...

Happy new (school)year!

"Everybody was waiting for the new school year -due to the school, but how the children said for the professions...

Financial Literacy and Drama Camp

This year's camp for the primary school’s 5th graders was “Financial Literacy and Drama Camp”. In 2021 it was held ...

Forum in Szentes

Everyday and everyone's topic was discussed at the Szentes Community House Advocacy Forum " In the Slavery of Technical Devices...

Secure banking

On 13rd May, Katalin Fülöpné Paksi and Sára Fecske arrived from OTP Bank, to give a presentation on the use...

Szentes and the Middle Ages

The participants of the history classes of the Szentes Community House get acquainted with the Middle Ages. We have already...

Creating at home

"Staying at home is especially difficult in the spring ...

Transport project

"In the history sessions, we strive to impart knowledge appropriate to the annual "Transport" project. In the last session, Dorottya...

Prepare for Advent

"The 2nd Group of Szentes gathered for a handicraft session at the Community House in Szentes on the 28th of...

About the sessions

"It has been almost three months since we went to the Foundation’s classes. Many people ask us what we do...

Transport project

“At the Community House in Szentes, we also focus on common creative activities: children not only create their own intellectual...