Athens vs Sparta

Athens vs Sparta

On August 31st, we gathered at the Community House at 9 AM, and after breakfast, we listened to Dorina’s presentation on safe traffic practices.

Marci Sebők and Gábor Berta had prepared extensively for the occasion, building a role-playing tabletop game for us. They designed the backstory, characters and their abilities, as well as the map and its details, all themed around Ancient Greece, with Sparta and Athens facing off against each other. We played all the way until lunch, though time flew by because we were so absorbed in the game. It helped a lot that the game masters narrated the story excellently throughout the game and even projected background music and AI-generated images of the locations. After lunch, we continued immediately, as we had paused right in the middle of a fierce battle against a powerful enemy.


The Athenian team fought a giant snake, while the Spartans faced a Minotaur. Despite the challenges, both teams successfully completed their tasks, descending into the Underworld and defeating ancient foes.


Then came the battle against each other, which took place on the surface, near the Agora, resulting in an Athenian victory. We thoroughly enjoyed the day and were glad that Marci and Gábor brought us this game, which involved so much hard work on their part, and they even plan to develop it further for us! Thank you!


Nagy Szolanzs, Török Fanni Sz3 Group