Spring at Ásotthalom
During yesterday on the 30th of April, we took part in another photographer trip. This time we explored unknown areas that we have never visited before in Ásotthalom.
On Saturday after the english lessons our team packed its photography equipments and food supplements into the Foundation’s microbus, afterward we set off to Ásothalom to take photos of the beauties of nature. As we strayed from the main road which leads to Baja we were welcomed by the romantic forest of Ásotthalom. Firstly we made friendship with a horse who were grazing in the meadow he was very adorable and well tolerated us.
After we caressed the horse and parked the car, at the beginning of our journey we met a kind and very talkative gentleman, who adjusted us. Front of his house we could admire blooming lilies of the valley, and next to the house we could enjoy the fantastic scent of lilac brush.
Our next stop led to an abandoned farm’s garden where was a plenty of butterflys in different sizes.
As we countinued our trip on off-road we met a scared hedgehog, who got into the middle of working photomachines.
In the other part of our trip we ended up at a grazing cow, who was a littlebit afraid but we could take photos of interested cows.
Artifical watering which is made for animals hide a lot of creature: dragonfly larvae, tadpoles, molnárpoloskák showed itself in the spring sunshine.
At the end of our hike we explored interesting animals and societies.
We visited Szabolcs, where we could take a look at his aquariums. We were very surprised because we realized a small group of salamanders in a sluice, finally we could take a few photos of them.
Varga Péter Bendegúz, group 2 of Szeged