On the Sziget festival
The ‘Play Again’ tender was announced on a well known community site. My friend Bálint Péter and I decided to enter the competition. The stakes are high as the winner has the chance to play at the Island Festival for hundreds of people. We selected our favourite song, Awaking of Don Quixote, and started rehearsal. After recording the song we uploaded it on the Internet according to the tender. The last step was done by friends; known and unknown ones who voted for our song and with 2000 votes we got into the ‘Quimby Project’.
Everything was so fast! One day we were recording the song with a video camera in the living room and the next day we were on stage at the Island Festival facing thousands of spectators. With the help of Beck Zoli (leader of 30Y) we were participating in playing the song, ‘Csönded vagyok’. It was an unforgettable memory: laughter, lights, MUSIC!
I am thankful for those who helped me. Thanks to the Foundation which helps me to be better and better in music and thanks to my friends who voted on me day by day! Everyone helped me a lot. I really hope that there will be a similar project in the future where I can play with my other favourite group, the Csányi Band. The feeling of being on stage made me alert to watch the possibilities.
Áron Debreceni K2