Alma Mater
On March 12, 2024, a new exhibition titled “Alma Mater” opened at the Jász Community House, Déryné 6 Gallery.
At the exhibition of Attila Galbács, a young artist from Jászberény, Dr. Miklós Radoszáv, the operational director, greeted the attendees, followed by Judit Mihalik, an art teacher, who summarized Attila’s previous work from a professional perspective. In her speech, she mentioned that the artist was closing a chapter and starting a new one with his first solo exhibition. “Alma Mater” refers to the knowledge he gained during his high school years, attending drawing workshops, art classes at the Hamza Museum, and other artistic programs that contributed to his development. Tamás Nagy and Judit Mihalik, art teachers, also provided significant assistance.
The opening of the exhibition was enhanced by the singing of Nóri Pintér and the guitar playing of Péter Tálas, and we thank them once again for their contribution.
The initial images of the exhibition consist of studies, collages, and montages, followed by paintings exploring internal themes. Most of the paintings were created using mixed techniques, and in terms of subject matter, the majority deal with motherhood and femininity. The second meaning of “Alma Mater” in Latin is “nourishing mother,” which is reflected in Attila’s works. As a young father of two, he lovingly follows his wife’s motherhood journey, which is also portrayed in the exhibition. Attila’s largest painting features a watchful, attentive mother, to which a fragment of Dezső Kosztolányi’s poem “Motherhood” can be attached:
„A mélyben, az éjben csendes üzenet kél:
ugy-e, te szólsz, édes, ki meg se születtél?
Ó élet, új élet!… a szivem megindul,
a te sírásodtól, a te csókjaidtul.
Ó kis Ismeretlen. – Míg a fényt eléred,
szívem a te szíved, vérem a te véred;
a jónak, a rossznak nevében idézlek,
hogy világra hozzon a nagy-nagy Természet.”
Congratulations to Attila, and we wish him success in his future creations!