Advent in Jászberény (07.11.2014.)
We have ignited the second candle. On 7th December, Sunday forenoon all the three groups celebrated the end of the year in the community house of Jászberény.
All of us were here: from elementary school, high school and also the college students. Most of us took some family members, that means we were more than a hundred people together. The big room was made as a teahouse, in an another could the interested one make lampion from felt. The holiday program was held in the Malon Theater, because the big room was too small for us. On the second day of Advent we ignited the second candle. Miklos Radoszav greeted us, spoken about us and our achievements, working progress. After that we rhymed, singed.The Malon Theater and the Főnix FÉszek Műhelyház provided us a comic show consisted acrobatic elements, starring Ashlee Male, Alba Valejo Picado and Roni Mundel volunteer girls. Parents and children also participated in the interactive show, which enchanced our good mood. Mrs. Fülöp Katalin Paksi made cakes with our names on for all of us. That was a nice gesture and we are saying thanks for it again. After the ceremony we took over the presents of the Foundation: calendar for 2015, 13-14 Yearbook, Poster about the football team and the food package.We would like to say thank you for that!
Guys from the Jászság