Fundraising for the FizioKözpont

Fundraising for the FizioKözpont

With the participation of our university students, alumni members, and staff, our Foundation organized a fundraiser for the FizioKözpont – Physiotherapy and Movement Rehabilitation Center in Szekszárd. This center is organizing its eighth intensive rehabilitation camp for children aged 2-18 with disabilities and multiple disabilities this year.

The organizers aim to improve the lives of children with disabilities by breaking them out of their usual, grey everyday routines with this camp, which offers colorful programs as well as several hours of daily development.

The fundraiser was made possible with the collaboration of the S10 Academy and our Alumni organization. Thanks to the donations, we managed to fund at least one child’s participation in the camp.

We are deeply grateful to all donors for their contributions and to the FizioKözpont for their persistent work in helping those in need!

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” – Khalil Gibran

The S10 Academy team