We were guests of the Association of the Jász people

We were guests of the Association of the Jász people

On September 23, 2024, the Association of Jász people invited the members of the Csányi Foundation to its first autumn meeting, with a special focus on the mentors and volunteers from the Jász region. The event was traditionally held in the County Hall of Pest County, where the President, Dr. László Dobos, welcomed the guests and the Foundation’s operational director, Dr. Miklós Radoszáv, who gave a projected presentation on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Csányi Foundation, with the participation of his colleagues. The presentation was about the general activities of the Foundation, the Life Path programme and its scope of operation, followed by the activities of the mentors themselves. Mentors Tamás Oláh-Berecz presented on Lego robotics, travel and innovation in Sydney, chess and meteorological monitoring, mentors Judit Sziráki and Dorina Szerző presented on water testing and the nature project supported by Katalin Karikó, and mentor Judit Nagy presented on art and the exhibitions at the Déryné 6 Gallery. In addition, the audience was given an insight into the life of the Jász Community House, its camps and its award winners.

In addition to the publications of the association, which preserves the cultural heritage of Jászság, the Csányi Foundation also displayed a rich selection of publications, which the participants could not only view but also take home.

At the end of the programme, the members of the Association of the Jász congratulated for the excellent work and wished the Foundation every success for the next 20 years – and we wish them the same!

Staff of the Csányi Foundation