Drama conference
On the first weekend in October University of Pannonia Faculty of Modern Philology and Social Sciences Institute of Literary and Cultural Studies Department of Theatrical Studies organised a workshop named “Drama pedagogy in Public Education 2” in Veszprém.
Me, as an ex-student of University of Pannonia, got invitation as a drama teacher to talk about the applied drama pedagogy in Csányi Foundation for interested university teachers, drama teachers and university students. During the planned one hour there was theoretical and practical parts.
During the morning of the conference the leaders of the research reported about their research on “Situation of drama teaching in public education and theatrical education for the efficiency of public education.”
In the afternoon we focused on practice. People devoted to drama could learn about three drama projects. They could see or take part in three one-hour drama lessons. The first one was about the possibilities of drama lessons in special education, the second was about drama methods during teaching lessons and the third was about the relationship between drama and talent management.
Critiques and experts at present praised the drama work in the Foundation. Everyone like especially that drama lesson, which we use during our talent selection process. Trencsényi László associate professor of ELTE highlighted those nice moments that he experienced during the day. Drama can do wonders. We have to talk more about this wonder – he added.
V. Sárközi Angéla, mentor-drama teacher