Getting ready for Sydney

Getting ready for Sydney

On June 14, 2024, we held a parent meeting for the Jász-Stones team, who qualified for the Asia Pacific Open Championship to be held in Sydney in July at the national finals of the First Lego League Challenge in Szigetszentmiklós. András Gál, the travel lead mentor, joined the meeting online from Pécs, and Péter Balogh, an assistant, joined from Melbourne. The meeting topics included travel rules and important information about Australia, as well as the competition rules and program. Both parents and students are eagerly looking forward to this significant competition and rewarding trip.

„On June 20, 2024, Gusztáv Ilosvay from Hungarian Radio: Mozaik Sydney conducted an online interview with us. He had many questions such as: How did we start with Lego robotics? How is the competition structured? Why did we choose this specific innovation? How do we get along given the age differences, how is the teamwork, and information about the community house, among many other things. We explained that we are from the Jászberény Community House, which has an active exhibition space called Déryné 6 Gallery. This inspired us to develop a technological tool to enhance art appreciation. Listeners will learn that this season’s competition theme is Art and Technology, how it proceeds, and we will present VUK, our innovation named Universal Communication for the Blind. We also discussed our long-term plans and studies. The interview will be available online but was primarily created for the local community, who we invite to cheer for us at the competition.

During the competition, we will have a new task where we will present Hungary, Jászberény, and the Csányi Foundation in 25 minutes. We will include a surprise folk dance performance to showcase our multifaceted background. We are practicing intensively for this with our junior mentors, Borbála Fruzsina Székelyi and Dávid Vig. We will be dressed in traditional Jászság attire, courtesy of the Jásztánc Foundation from Jászapáti! We will mention notable aspects and famous figures of Hungary. We aim to introduce ourselves to the other teams in a cheerful, playful manner so they get to know where we come from.” János Bali, Jászság Group 2