Katalin Karikó awarded the Hungarian Corvin Chain

Katalin Karikó awarded the Hungarian Corvin Chain

On June 18, 2024, one of our Foundation’s supporters, Nobel laureate Dr. Katalin Karikó, received the prestigious Hungarian Corvin Chain award in a ceremonial event. At the same event, Nobel laureate physicist Ferenc Krausz also received the distinguished honor.

Dr. Katalin Karikó has been a dedicated supporter of our Foundation since 2021. Nothing demonstrates this better than the fact that two publications financed by her have already been produced, both bearing her name. Currently, scientific projects and experiments made possible by Dr. Karikó’s support are taking place in three of our Community Houses: in Jászberény, Szeged, and Nagybajom. Additionally, this year we are organizing our nature camp for the second time in collaboration with the Fauna and Flora Foundation.


In 2023, we had the honor of having Dr. Katalin Karikó participate online and deliver a speech to our youth at the Life Path Festival.

Also, in June of the same year, our beneficiaries had the chance to meet her in person at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, where they listened to stories about her life during a discussion.

We warmly congratulate Dr. Katalin Karikó on this prestigious recognition and thank her for supporting the talents of our Foundation in their development for the third consecutive year!

Cover image: Mandinder