Parents’ Forum in Szeged

Parents’ Forum in Szeged

The last meeting of the 2023/24 academic year’s Parents’ Forum in Szeged was held on June 14. The main focus of the meeting was the decreasing motivation of the students to participate in the Foundation’s summer camps. Another issue brought up was the again decreasing participation in the other freetime activities organized by the Foundation.

Further discussed points included the portfolio and its official presentation to the curators.

Anna Benczúr, Group 2 of Szeged

The last meeting of the 2023/24 academic year’s Parents’ Forum in Szeged was held on June 14. The main focus of the meeting was the decreasing motivation of the students to participate in the Foundation’s summer camps. Another issue brought up was the again decreasing participation in the other freetime activities organized by the Foundation.

Further discussed points included the portfolio and its official presentation to the curators.

Anna Benczúr, Group 2 of Szeged