Sunday among planes and lavender

Sunday among planes and lavender

“I organized two programs for Group 1 of Kaposvár in one day: a lavender harvest and an air show. The connection between the two programs was that both promised to be interesting, and the air show in Kadarkút was conveniently on the way to the lavender field, so we attended both events with the children.” – Zsuzsa Fenyő, Group 1 Kaposvár, mentor

“We noticed the air show from afar because helicopters were circling in the sky. When we arrived at the airfield, a Cessna was just taking off, and there were several of them at the event. We got a close look at a fighter jet and saw an airplane engine being started up, which was louder than it was smoky. It was a great experience to see a helicopter land up close, and the wind it created was surprisingly strong, but at least it cooled us down a bit in the hot weather.” – Olivér Jakab, Group 1 Kaposvár

“After the air show, we visited the lavender field in Somogyhatvan, where the owner, Adrienn Stanics, welcomed our little team with great warmth. After a short break, we took up the pruning shears and started harvesting lavender. It was a challenging task to fill the bags with lavender in the heat, but by the end, I got the hang of it and helped the others as well. After this, we made lavender wreaths. Although we were shown the technique, we initially struggled a bit with it. Eventually, beautiful wreaths were made at the table, where the wonderful scent of lavender filled the air. We had a fantastic day together with my groupmates, and the lavender-filled, aviation-themed day will be an everlasting memory.” – Kíra Kecskés, Group 1 Kaposvár