End-of-Year Cookout at Deseda

End-of-Year Cookout at Deseda

Without knocking, summer and the heat burst in, which could only mean one thing for Group 2 of Kaposvár: an afternoon lakeside gathering with young and old, family, and dogs. The venue was the yard and kitchen of our groupmate Petra Varga, where, despite the forecasts, there was plenty of room for twice as many people. The menu – because where there’s a yard, there must be a cookout – was goulash soup, made with the diligent efforts of our dozen chefs, washed down by homemade lemonade for some, and age-appropriate beverages for others throughout the afternoon.

A special bench became the game club for the day, where fierce battles revealed that none of us would become world-famous for our achievements in the game BANG!, and the dining table was covered with UNO cards instead of plates. There were frequent transfers between the two stations, but we always welcomed back our lured-away players with a smile. Perhaps the winners of the afternoon were the neighbor’s dogs, who, although they only spent 2-2 minutes with us at each appearance, were petted by as many hands in that short time as were stirring the goulash soup. The afternoon passed in an extremely good (and hot) atmosphere, quickly turning into evening. Though this did not stop the team from partying, the setting sun accompanied us out of the yard and sent us home with full bellies and big smiles on our faces.

The last chapter of this truly enjoyable party was planning: we will return in the fall for the school year opening, but then, checking the stars and light pollution, we will nail down the cornerstones of the 2024/25 school year.

Dear Readers, you can find documentation of the afternoon’s merriment in the gallery in the form of photos!

Dominik Antal