End-of-Year Parents’ Meetings

End-of-Year Parents’ Meetings


On June 14th, all three Pécs groups held a parent-teacher meeting at the Community House. In the first part of the event, Dr. Lajos Aáry-Tamás, the Commissioner for Educational Rights, gave a lecture to the groups and their parents on the topic of educational rights and obligations. The interactive presentation captured the attention of all attendees, as the topic personally affected them. The right to education is one of the fundamental human rights. This right ensures free and compulsory primary education, accessible secondary and higher education for all, and basic education for those who missed out on primary schooling. Education, or participation in cultural values, emotional and intellectual development, is the path to personal fulfillment. Determining the goal of this path is our task. Where are we starting from? Where are we headed? What is the common goal of our journey? The essential condition for quality education is cooperation between partners, which is based on communication. In formulating common goals, the opinion of every participant is important. Problems arise when the most important participants in the interaction, the children, are left out. We have begun the joint thinking process. We collected opinions to help plan our work for next year. For example, what kind of joint programs should we plan with the children and parents? How frequent should these programs be? What topics do parents suggest for our Parents’ Academy program series? We set the date and topic for the September family day to kick off the new school year. Following this, the groups continued the parent-teacher meeting separately, where they discussed the schedule for the summer camps and filled out the related forms.

We all gained useful information. We thank Dr. Lajos Aáry-Tamás, Commissioner for Educational Rights, for his valuable presentation.

Andrea Bálint-Orsós, Luca Borsy, András Gál, Mentors

“End-of-year parents’ meetings were held in Nagybajom as well. The main topics of discussion with the parents included the results of the past school year, experiences from the Guidance Festival, and the increasing number of commitments to mentor assistant and volunteer work. For the 12th graders, discussions focused on the experiences with the final exams, the admission process, and the admissions system, while for the 11th graders, the tasks ahead in the next school year were discussed – choosing the appropriate electives, the importance of early final exams, and intermediate language exams. We also talked about the dates and programs of the summer camps, and signed the necessary declarations for participation: students from each group will travel to language camps abroad; to England, Germany, and Croatia. Several students will also participate in the Arts and Crafts camp and the sports camp.” – Nagybajom Community House Parents

On June 12th, the parent-teacher meeting to conclude this school year was held for Group 3 in Nagybajom. After the preparations in the morning and early afternoon, the families arrived at 5 PM to discuss our shared past and future. Together with my mentor, Mr. Roland, we first evaluated the children’s performance so far, and the parents understood and confirmed our observations. Overall, we can be satisfied with these 13-year-olds, feeling that everyone has given their best, which resulted in excellent end-of-year achievements.

The meeting continued with a detailed overview of the upcoming camps in Balatonszemes and Kőszeg. These are the two places we will visit and explore in two and a half weeks. However, after summer, a more challenging period will begin for the children as they will be in the 8th grade and will have to undergo the central admission process. Thus, we also had to touch on this topic, specifically the fall developmental and remedial classes related to it. We hope that by then, each child will have a clear idea of the three high schools that could provide possible pathways for their future careers.

The last agenda item was, among other things, completing the satisfaction surveys, as this was a good opportunity for everyone to fulfill this task as well. After everything discussed took place, parents had time to chat with each other over some snacks and tea, allowing everyone to go home peacefully and with pride about their children.

Zalán Győző, Nagybajom Group 3