We can count on each other

We can count on each other

“Our group held a joint end-of-year evening, where we discussed together the events and achievements of the school year, as well as our future plans and goals following the camps, including our small mentoring projects. Almost everyone is in the 11th grade, so this school year was important as it precedes career choices. In the fall, several of us will take advanced placement exams, so we will start preparing for them this summer. We are somewhat nervous about the exams ahead of us, as they will be a significant milestone in our lives.

Afterward, we visited the Sára Sándor Hall at the Lehel Film Theater, where we watched the French drama ‘Marguerite, the Lover of Numbers.’ The protagonist is a twenty-five-year-old mathematics prodigy in the final year of her Ph.D., who undertakes to prove the famous Goldbach Conjecture with the help of Endre Szemerédi’s combinatorial theory. Throughout the film, the girl faces numerous challenges in achieving her goal, and her dedication and love for mathematics help her through. However, many times she pursued her research in an overly perfectionist manner, and the failure of the research completely took away her motivation. After discovering Mahjong, which she also called Chinese Dominoes (which provided not only relaxation but also a good income opportunity), and falling in love with her research partner, her life took a 180-degree turn. Then mathematics and love went hand in hand, fulfilling the girl’s life together. Finally, she successfully achieved her lifelong dream, being the first to prove the mathematical conjecture.

We liked this movie because it shed light on many things. Firstly, it taught us never to give up on our dreams and to fight for them, and secondly, not to overthink things, as this can easily consume us and cause us to lose our passion for achieving our goals. We had a great time during the evening, not only because we had a good conversation together but also because we were enriched with an artistic experience.

We thank the Foundation for its support throughout the year!” – Olivér Kóczián, Jászság Group 3