The future’s in your hand! Project closure-day

The future’s in your hand! Project closure-day

Our project for the 2023/24 school year was titled “The Future is in Your Hands!” The focus of the weekend’s project closing session was to create a time capsule, which we will open during the 10th-grade Portfolio Defense. Who wouldn’t want to discover a treasure from their childhood? Selecting and hiding memory-rich items is even better. Creating a time capsule offers this experience, whether for strangers or our future selves. Through creative, multi-sensory tasks, the activities were conducted in the foreign languages we learned in the foundation. We created a lasting memory for all of us.

Luca Borsy, mentor, Pécs Group 1; András Gál, mentor, Pécs Group 2; Andrea Bálint-Orsós, mentor, Pécs Group 3

“As the conclusion of the 2023/24 school year’s foreign language project, Groups P1 and P3 participated in a project day named ‘Time Capsule.’ Throughout the day, four different stations offered creative language tasks: creating a virtual time capsule, sending messages to their 10th-grade selves, practicing describing their favorite objects, and making various drawings. The day ended with the participants watching the videos they had made. We believe that this full-day year-end tradition was a fitting conclusion to the ‘The Future is in Your Hands’ project.” Csilla Czimondor and Kata Jobbágy, German language teachers

Within the framework of the time capsule project, during the preparation and implementation of the “letter to my future self” segment, students had the opportunity to summarize their current state according to their level and send messages to their future selves about their goals and ambitions for the next few years with the Foundation. The tasks allowed them to practice vocabulary and writing skills related to the items intended for the time capsule, and their writing was not only content-rich but also summarized the grammar knowledge they acquired during the year, especially related to tenses. The goal is that by looking back and reading the products created today in the 10th grade, they can reflect on and summarize their achievements up to that point.

Gabriella Andókné Pörnecz, language teacher



Here is how we saw it…


“During today’s project day, we made a time capsule. There were four stations where everyone completed tasks in their respective foreign languages. We had an interview about our future goals, wrote letters to our future selves, and completed drawing tasks. The purpose of all this was to review these time capsules during our 10th-grade Portfolio Defense and see how much we have changed since then. In my opinion, today was very useful, and it will be a good feeling to look back at these in a few years.” Hanna Tóth, Pécs Group 3

“I really liked today. Our team split into four stations and created drawings, letters, and messages for the time capsule. At the first station, we wrote letters to our future selves, naturally in English. At the second station, we made a short film about ourselves, which was later included in a video about the group. The third station, which was my personal favorite, involved drawing what we would put in the capsule, and since I love drawing, I spent the most time here. At the fourth and final station, we described an object that would go into the capsule. After that, we had a very delicious lunch and watched the edited video. I really enjoyed this day and hope there will be more like it.” Eszter Szabó-Körmendi, Pécs Group 3

“Today we made a time capsule using different methods. We visited stations where we created digital and paper-based items and memories for the capsule. I enjoyed every part of today. It was exciting that we did everything (except for the drawing) in a foreign language, both the speaking and writing parts.” Emma Stefán, Pécs Group 3

“Today was very good. I liked drawing and writing the best. I also enjoyed the introductions and object descriptions. It was interesting to do all of this in English. I am also looking forward to seeing the videos when we are in 10th grade.” Dávid Stefán, Pécs Group 1

“Today we made a time capsule with Group P1. We formed five groups of three or four and set out to complete the tasks at the stations. My team first wrote a composition in the foreign language we are currently learning about what we wanted to put in the time capsule. At the next station, with the help of two junior mentors, we drew the objects that are important to us while chatting with each other. Then we wrote a letter to our future selves. It was exciting to think that I will read this letter again in a few years. We had lunch, then watched the interview videos where we talked about who we are now and what we want to achieve by the 10th grade. I think today was very good. We learned new words, grammar rules, and expressions, and our speaking and writing skills improved in our foreign language. Our relationships with each other also got better, and we got to know each other more.” Miléna Enikő Szőke, Pécs Group 3

“Today was very exciting. We had many experiences. I particularly liked the word description and drawing. Additionally, we wrote letters, which was also very good, and we learned a lot of English.” Péter Bódog Bencze, Pécs Group 1

“I really liked today. We spent the whole day improving our English skills, and those who study German could improve their German skills. I think it was really good and exciting. I liked it the most when we made the short film with Ms. Kata, even though I never like hearing my voice in videos because it sounds too strange, but this was my favorite. I also enjoyed drawing because I saw Eszter finish her beautiful drawing, which she copied from a picture. Honestly, I liked every station because each had something good, but these two were the most exciting and best for me. Thank you very much for today’s experiences.” Réka Benke, Pécs Group 1

Photos from the project day can be viewed in the Gallery.