Mohács 500 project

Mohács 500 project

“As part of our Mohács 500 project, we went on a study trip to Szigetvár and Pécs. To our surprise, we met the groups from Nagybajom in front of the castle, so we viewed some of the programs together. Our first stop was the Szigetvár castle, where we were first introduced to the history of the castle by a guide, and then invited to a period weapon demonstration, where the braver ones could even try out the combat tools. In the last part of the activity, we got to know the life and work of Sultan Suleiman through an interactive exhibition. After the castle visit, we had lunch at a local restaurant and then continued our journey to Pécs. Gál András, our mentor from Pécs, was a great help in getting to know the city’s Turkish-era monuments and introducing us to the downtown area, adding color to the trip’s program with his fascinating stories. We gained interesting information about the Mosque, which deepened our knowledge and will be useful in the continuation of our project. The day went by quickly, and before we knew it, we were on the bus heading home.”

Éles Annamária, mentor