Historical excursion to Szigetvár and Pécs
“Over the weekend, the Nagybajom Community House’s Groups 1 and 2 participated in a joint trip to celebrate Children’s Day. We departed from Nagybajom at 9 AM, with our first destination being Szigetvár. In the parking lot of the Szigetvár Zrínyi Castle, we noticed another ‘Csányi’ group, our friends from Mohács. This encounter was a random surprise, as even the mentors didn’t know that both Community Houses had organized a trip to the same place. After purchasing the entrance tickets, we parted ways, and we, the Nagybajom group, headed to the Baroque clock tower. We also randomly met Gál András (a mentor from the Pécs Community House), who offered to talk about the history of the castle, the Turkish siege, and the period of Turkish occupation. This topic is also part of the history exam syllabus. We thank András very much. In the inner courtyard of the castle, we also viewed a memorial depicting Zrínyi Miklós and his 300 soldiers’ heroic charge against the Turks.
In the forenoon, we attended a costume and weapon demonstration. Péter Vitéz showcased every piece of the knight’s attire and the weapons used during the battle, such as the axe, sabre, spear, and bearded rifle.
We walked around the castle area along the walls, then returned to our bus and headed to Pécs. After a hot lunch in Pécs, we walked to Pécs’s main square, the city’s most beautiful square. We visited the Mosque located there and ended our trip with ice cream. What did this day give us? Besides historical information and knowledge, it provided relaxation with my friends, shared experiences, and informal conversations. We thank the Foundation for making this possible!”
Orsós Jázmin, Nagybajom Group 1, and Kovács Vanessza, Nagybajom Group 2