

“Az élet olyan sebesen folyik,
hogy elsodor magával az ár mindenkit.
Nem várom már, hogy majd jönnek a csodák,
tudom, hogy nekem kell megtalálnom nyomát.
Megtalálni azt az élményt, szépséget,
amely engem boldoggá tehet,
amely a szürke hétköznapok során,
megmutatja létem pozitív oldalát.
Így elérhetem a tökéletes élmény állapotát,
az áramláson át a belső harmóniát.”

The last exhibition of the school year opened at the Déryné 6 Gallery in Jászberény. At the opening of the exhibition titled “Flow” by artist and teacher Keppel-Dankó Bernadett, Dr. Radoszáv Miklós, the operational director of the Csányi Foundation, greeted the guests, followed by a professional introduction by painter Veronika Zelena. Veronika talked about the artist and her work, highlighting the encounter between abstract and realistic representations. Alongside spontaneous brushstrokes, real elements can be discovered, offering an intriguing view to the viewer. The paintings embody harmony, characteristic of Bernadett’s life, as she currently finds herself in such a phase, alongside her child and partner.

The paintings exude tranquility, inviting joy to immerse oneself. The details invite lingering observation. The vibrant colors radiate a positive, fresh atmosphere, allowing viewers to admire the paintings with pleasure and good spirits. It was a great pleasure to converse with Bernadett, as discussing art with someone is always a positive experience for me. I am grateful for the opportunity afforded during the opening.

We wish the artist success and hope for many visitors to the exhibition!

Tamasi Tilda, Jászság 3 Group

