Parents’ Academy with the OTP Fáy Foundation

Parents’ Academy with the OTP Fáy Foundation

Once again, our mentors from the Nagybajom Community Center organized a training session for us on Saturday. As part of the Parents’ Academy series, the staff of the OTP Fáy András Foundation conducted an interactive training session for us. Ági, Bence, Viktor, and our children divided us into two groups. The session began with a group discussion that shed light on self-awareness and a mindset that can help us make decisions throughout our lives. We greatly needed each other, teamwork, to solve the first task. We had to navigate from one side of a carpet-shaped beehive structure to the other. This was not easy, as the trainers changed the route along the way, symbolizing how our lives and careers often change, putting us in decision-making situations. With mutual attention and teamwork, we successfully completed the task.

In the second part, we focused on drafting a resume. Besides enriching our knowledge and skills, there was no shortage of good spirits throughout the morning.

We thank the trainers and the Foundation for giving us the opportunity to participate in this training! – Angelika Polák, parent