Parents’ meeting in Jászberény group 2
The parents’ meeting of Jászberény Group 2 covered a lot of topics, first the children presented what they will perform at the Life Path Festival in Zánka, then we went through the programmes.
We evaluated the past year, which was the first year in the Csányi Foundation for both children and parents.
The parents were positive about the past period, they said that the young people feel comfortable at the Foundation, they like to come and participate in the activities and programmes. We discussed projects, talked about children’s achievements, and in the meantime, they looked at the second edition of the publication supported by Katalin Karikó. In which the children were already featured.
At the end of the meeting, we talked about the summer camps and programmes, and I am sure that no one will be bored and that everyone will have a productive and enjoyable time.
Tamás Oláh-Berecz mentor