In the Déryné 6 Gallery of the Jászsági Community House, the exhibition titled PSYCHE by Alexandra Görbe, a painter of Jászárokszállás origin and Barcsay Award winner, opened on April 10.

At the opening of the exhibition, Dr. Miklós Radoszáv, the operational director of the Foundation, welcomed the attendees and expressed that it is an honor for Alexandra to exhibit her works in this venue. He considers it important to continue providing opportunities for talented artists with Jászság ties to present their works in the Déryné 6 Gallery.

Painter Gábor Koncz shared his subjective, personal impressions and thoughts about the artworks displayed on the walls. He believes the oil-painted, meticulously crafted, and detail-rich canvases are imbued with lyricism. Natural forms have been closely related to humanity since ancient times, thus they carry symbolic meanings. Alexandra depicts trees emerging from the darkness on her large canvases, which leave a profound impression on the viewers. The elements of the “Infinite” series are not only reflections of the infinite richness of external forms but also invite the viewer into the depths of the soul. Another significant theme in the exhibition is the walnut. On the giant oil paintings, the walnut extends far beyond the concept of the fruit; the artist primarily intended it to embody humanity and time.

“The ‘Psyche’ series’ monumental, enlarged, or massively depicted walnut images are creations that simultaneously represent the concept of chaos and order, alluding to humanity’s ancient striving. Through my message, I aim to provide insight into the phenomena and forms of nature, creating images, patterns, and beauty from them.

My works speak of the infinite richness and beauty of forms and colors, and the soul’s desire for a paradisiacal existence. My creations strive to bring the viewer closer to this seemingly lost, yet deeply yearned-for world.” – Alexandra Görbe, painter

Congratulations to Alexandra Görbe on her exhibition! We warmly welcome all interested visitors!

We thank Andrea Kalla and Nóra Pintér for their high-quality musical contributions, which enhanced the atmosphere of the opening!