2024. 04. 04.
Egyéb, Jászberény
Our Plans and Opportunities
“During the spring break, our preparation for the ICDL exam continued, as well as our English sessions. In informatics, we started preparing for the next module, the 5th one, focusing on Spreadsheet Management. In English, we aim to take the B1 language exam as soon as possible, which we also prepared for during the break. Now we had much more time to talk to each other, as we didn’t have to rush to study. We reviewed where everyone stands in the current high school admission ranking and how those align with our plans. One day, we walked to the Captain’s Garden, which was established in 2001 to commemorate the 1745-1876 Jász captains on the occasion of the millennium anniversary.”
Victoria Madarasi, Jászság 1 group